Sunshine, no wind...just perfect weather for a nice walk or power walk or jog or run...depending on your level of fitness...
Power Walking - Sunny day on Arthur Seat |
My heart rate today was constantly on top range of my training interval, which is set up now between 60% - 85% max heart rate...
Power Walking - Beurer feedback |
A short analysis shows that for 38 minutes of quite intensive exertion, i managed to burn , according to Beurer, about 324 calories... or about 85 cal/10 mins ...
Another input from Runtastic (see below) suggests 438 kcal for 48 minutes... or 91 cal/10 mins
Power Walking - Runtastic feedback |
I would go with an average of 88 cal/10 mins for my outdoor jogging.....
Good to know that my body simply cant burn more than in future, when craving for that muffin of 238 cals, I will no longer fool myself that in I don't know how much gym time (I've never been precise on this) I will burn that out completely....
I hope this monitoring to be a way to educate myself about the limits of my body, so I become aware that if I want to maintain healthy weight, I must pay attention to how much I put in through the food I choose...
I will try to keep a kind of a food diary too....that's difficult, huh?
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